The Renee and Bruce Litinger and Family PRIDE Endowment
Why was the Litinger Family PRIDE Endowment created?
In the face of funding cuts, and amid concerns that our PRIDE program for adults with disabilities would struggle financially in the future to maintain programs, the Litinger Family established this fund to ensure the long-term financial security of PRIDE, for the benefit of the adult clients we serve.
Why should I give to the Litinger Family Endowment?
Endowments are designed to continue growing! The greater the principal amount of the fund, the greater the financial security for PRIDE.
Among ECLC’s organizations, if PRIDE is your giving priority, the Litinger Family PRIDE Endowment is a great choice for your support.
What was important about Bruce Litinger’s $2M goal?
Bruce Litinger set a goal for the Endowment of reaching $2M before his retirement in December 2019. Once the Endowment reached that milestone, the fund would begin to generate enough income to enable PRIDE to begin utilizing the Endowment’s interest and dividend earnings to support its operations. This was a very important milestone goal for the fund, but not a final one.