On March 22, ECLC celebrated a major milestone with the grand opening of the new Bergen PRIDE Center in Saddle Brook to serve adults with special needs.

An overflow crowd of excited guests filled the center’s main room, including Saddle Brook Mayor Robert White; Bergen County Commissioners Mary Amoroso and Germaine Ortiz; township Planning Board Chairman James Maniscalco; ECLC Board members, staff, families and clients.

The new center is bright and airy, offering a central room for large gatherings, a kitchen and smaller side rooms for dedicated enrichment activities. Clients can work out in the fitness room, learn skills of daily living in a model apartment, practice computer skills in a technology room and more!

This beautiful new facility allows the PRIDE program to expand, while continuing to offer the same high-quality, enriching program as in the previous location. PRIDE focuses on social appropriateness; skills of daily living; community participation; and soft skills for the workplace.

In addition, the new location at 250 Market Street provides an easy stepping-off point to reach area businesses and facilities.

“At PRIDE, we believe learning and achievement are lifelong goals that guide our program operations. We seek to provide clients with a full and satisfying life by engaging them in meaningful and enjoyable activities,” said PRIDE Director Christina Klimkowski. “We have an unwavering commitment to providing the highest quality of services and learning environment for our staff and program participants. This new center is a bold reflection of that commitment.”