
Other Resources

Parents can use ASAH’s checklist when visiting schools to help make decisions about appropriate placement.

Financial Assistance

Download this guide from ASAH to learn your rights and ensure your child receives the best possible education, including the choice for a private school placement option, if appropriate. Call ASAH’s Parent Assistance Line at 1-877-287-2724, for more information.
  • ABLE Accounts
    The ABLE Act creates tax-free savings accounts for individuals with disabilities. The bill aims to ease financial strains faced by individuals with disabilities by making tax-free savings accounts available to cover qualified expenses, such as education, housing and transportation.
    Website: www.ndss.org
  • Bellows Fund (United Cerebral Palsy)
    Tel: (908-879-2243 ext. 26)
    E-mail: info@ucpncsnj.org
  • Brain Injury Association of New Jersey
    Tel: (888-285-3036)
    E-mail: info@bianj.org
    Website: www.bianj.org
  • Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund Commission (NJ Dept. of Human Services)
    Tel: 1-800-335-FUND (3863), (609-292-0600)
    Website: www.state.nj.us/humanservices/cicrf
  • Disabled Children’s Relief Fund
    Tel: (516-377-1605)
    Website: www.dcrf.com
  • Healing the Children – Midlantic Chapter
    Tel: (973-949-5034)
    E-mail: info@htcnj.org
    Website: www.htcnj.org
  • Heightened Independence & Progress (HIP)*
    Tel: (201-996-9100) Bergen County Office
    E-mail: ber@hipcil.org
    Tel: (201) 533-4407) Hudson County Office
    E-mail: hud@hipcil.org
    *Ask about the Sail (Special Assistance for Independent Living) Program
    Website: www.hipcil.org
  • Kelly Anne Dolan Fund listing
    Tel: (215-643-0763)
    Website: www.kadmf.org
  • NeighborHeart (Quality of Life Grants)
    Tel: (267-352-4765)
    Website: neighborheart.pledgepage.org
  • New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)
    The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides public funding for services and supports that assist New Jersey adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities age 21 and older to live as independently as possible. Services and supports are available in the community from independent providers and in five state-run developmental centers.
    Website: www.state.nj.us/humanservices/ddd
  • Rainbow Foundation
    Tel: (732- 671-4343)
    E-mail: rainbowfoundationnj@hotmail.com
    Website: www.rainbowfoundation.org
  • Special Child Health Services
    Tel: (609-292-7837)
    Toll-free in NJ: (800-367-6543)
    Website: www.state.nj.us/health/fhs/sch
  • UnitedHealthCare Children’s Foundation
    Call and leave a message. A foundation representative will return call within five business days.
    Tel: (952-992-4459)
    Website: http://uhccf.org