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ECLC of New Jersey’s students with special needs are asking for the public’s help to sharpen their work skills! They are looking for small jobs to complete in the classroom, while taking precautions to stay healthy and safe during the pandemic.

Nick Sordillo
Nick Sordillo and his classmates stuffed the Chatham Borough calendar into plastic bags for delivery to residents’ homes.

Usually Upper School students, ages 18–21, ventured out into the nearby community for “job sampling,” at area businesses and other organizations. The school is located behind the municipal building and in pre-COVID days, would take walking trips into downtown and ride the bus for field trips and work opportunities. Today, everything is on hold.

However, this school year, they cannot go on any community outings because of the risk of COVID-19. Many of these students are especially vulnerable, during this time.

The nonprofit school is seeking envelope stuffing, collating or other small jobs that can be completed in-house. Recently, they handled envelope stuffing for Chatham Borough and also stuffed the annual calendar into plastic bags for delivery to residents’ homes. They have customized bags for Sunnywoods Florist and completed a packaging job for the VA Hospital in Basking Ridge.

The school is also looking for business owners to “Zoom” into the classroom as a guest speakers. The work-experience program is called SKIL, and the acronym says it all: “Seeking Knowledge for Independent Living.”

SKIL is critical to the success of ECLC’s students, preparing them for life as adults and working in jobs, as they are able. If you have a work opportunity or want to participate as a guest speaker, please contact Principal Jason Killian by sending an e-mail to or calling 973-601-5410.