ECLC of New Jersey, a nonprofit supporting children and adults with special needs, has added two members to its Board of Trustees: Dougie Hamilton of Chatham and Michael Luke of Summit.

Michael Luke and Dougie Hamilton both work at E&Y in New York, and now they have something else in common. The pair recently joined the Board of Trustees at ECLC of New Jersey, a nonprofit that offers “Education, Careers & Lifelong Community” to more than 750 individuals with special needs.

ECLC is pleased to bring on two local residents who bring deep professional experience to the Board. Luke of Summit is an attorney who works in E&Y’s national tax department. He learned about ECLC through his wife, Katelyn, who was a teacher for five years at ECLC’s school for students with special needs in Chatham.

“She loved her time there, especially the wonderful students and devoted staff,” said Luke. “I was always impressed with learning about ECLC and how it provides a variety of services to individuals with special needs, including schools, transition services, job placements, and independent living skills. I’m looking forward to helping ECLC of New Jersey continue to pursue its honorable objectives.”

Hamilton has a background in financial services. He has been with a number of corporations, including Barclays Bank, Lloyds Banking Group and Accenture, prior to his position at E&Y. Since moving to Chatham, he has been a strong supporter of ECLC. Thanks to Hamilton’s efforts, E&Y was a sponsor of ECLC’s annual golf fund-raising outing last summer and was the top sponsor for ECLC’s inaugural walkathon in October. He also attended the walk with his parents, William and Lesley, and their adorable dogs.

“I am truly honored to be working with such an incredible organization that provides education and support services to such wonderful children and adults,” said Hamilton.